ahh hockey. the cold arena. the sound of a slap shot. your heart pounding 32839 beats a minute when you're sittng on the edge of you're seat because your team has a power play. the feeling of accomplishment when you're team wins (even though you didn't do anything at all to help them)
and how could i forget the irresistible hockey players.
on september 7th, i will be starting a countdown in preparation for the regulation season to start (yayayayayayayayayayayay!): 30 players in 30 days. i will count down my favourite players from september 7th until october 6th (and yes, the order mattes). i cannot wait to start this! (and you all might feel like you're reading the Hockey for the Ladies blog when i write it, but Stephanie Meyer (blogger) is truly an inspiration, so you can't blame me!)
i've just been sitting in my room and watching videos of one of my favourite players- Sidney Crosby. Not only is he THE BEST player in the NHL, but he's modest, a good sport, CANADIAN (yum!), and really really HOT (there, NOW i sound like i write HFTL)
okay, if this video doesn't make you melt, i don't know WHAT will.
this post has officially made me happy again.
77 days until the season starts! Penguins all the way!

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